Waste Less South Yorkshire provide advice and guidance for people across South Yorkshire about all things recycling and waste reduction.
We were approached by the team at Waste Less South Yorkshire to create an original, new brand for a campaign aimed at reducing waste and increasing recycling. As the campaign was largely focussed around behaviour change, it was important that we fully understood the demographic that we would be targeting.
How well do you really know your target demographic? User profiling helps to define your audience, providing the correct direction for your marketing.
Before doing any creative work we studied existing research into behaviours around recycling and waste, and together with the client created 4 user profiles which represented different recycling attitudes across the South Yorkshire demographic. This research led us to create an approachable and positive brand with an eclectic colour palette which could be adapted to different messaging strategies. The logo itself is a visual metaphor, by overlapping "Waste" and "Less" we have effectively recycled the letter "E"!
To deliver the project we created a comprehensive brand guidelines and key assets, including illustrations and artwork for bin lorry livery. We had great feedback from the team at Waste Less South Yorkshire throughout and have continued to work with them to produce a brochure style website and ongoing social media assets.