A website is often the first point of contact a prospective client has with your business and as we all know you don’t get a second chance at a first impression. Your website needs to be clear, concise and really grip the user and encourage them to interact with it. If it doesn’t they will simply move on to another website that does grip them and that potentially could lead to them using your competitor rather than you.

Your website is also your biggest platform for shouting about who you are, what you do and why people should be using your business. When someone lands on your page they should instantly know who you are, this is often done by displaying your company’s logo and business name.
In my opinion there should always be an about page. This is your chance to tell the visitor the history of your business and to really let the reader know what your unique selling point is. Your website is also your chance to shout about the work you are most proud off. When looking for a service, prospective clients often want to see some examples of work you have done, and this really is your chance to show off your hard work. With eye catching pictures and brief concise descriptions of the work you have done and problems you have solved this is often the section of your site that sends people heading for the contact information.

The days of flicking through the yellow pages are over and the web really is the place to be for attracting new clients. Having your contact information readily available on your site is key for the growth of your business whether that be an email address, phone number, postal address or a combination of all three you need to make sure people have a way of communicating with you.
In conclusion your website is the backbone of your business because its your biggest and best tool for letting people know who you are, what you do, what you have done and how you can solve somebody’s problem. Your website is your most effective way of telling the world I am here, and I am ready to do business.