Moirae Massive Quiz

What do you and your team do on a Friday Evening? At Moirae we held our first ever Quiz as part of the Moirae Massive. Steph and I were the lucky pair to be picked again and as we were fresh out of ideas, it was a tough one to think about.

There’s not much that could top a Treasure Hunt, but we put our thinking caps on and gave it some good thought. We have the odd questions here and there in the office which had us thinking…what about a quiz? It’ll fit within the £25 budget and it’s something which everyone would enjoy. The weather wasn’t too great either, so staying inside sounded like a good plan.

We had our lunchtime meetings to discuss and run through the sort of questions we should ask the teams. We ended up with a few rounds, the first of which was the Logo Quiz. This contained sections of 30 different logos, which I’ve included below. Can you guess them all?

In the other rounds, we had questions in the following categories: History, Sport, Music and Film and Quotes. These categories and Questions were picked at random and have no way in relation link together. Steph and I were surprised that some of them were answered correctly!

There was one final round that everything so far had led to – the more questions that were answered correctly, the more materials were given to build a tower. The materials were a little unorthodox though: spaghetti and marshmallows! The ultimate winner of the competition was the team that built the highest tower in the strict 2-minute time-limit.

We captured the winners with their victory prizes and their victory tower!


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