With people spending more time on the internet and less in front of ‘traditional’ media such as TV and radio then businesses are missing out on reaching their customers. In fact, according to Google, paid YouTube mobile advertising is 84% more likely to receive viewers' attention than TV advertising.
So you want a slice of the video marketing pie. How to you go about doing it? It’s easy to be overwhelmed by the prospect of creating video content - have you got the right equipment? Will you look good on camera? With video becoming more popular every day, is it something your business can afford to miss out on?
A lot of questions, I know, but ultimately video can work for any business - you just need the right type of content for your audience and platforms such as YouTube, Snapchat and IGTV make it more accessible than ever to deliver video content to your audience.

Facebook is giving more prominence to videos in their newsfeed but you needn’t restrict yourself to one platform. In fact, your choice of platform is directly related to your audience and the content of your video, right down to how it’s filmed.
A YouTube video showcasing your business, maybe with a few testimonials dotted in for good measure, can be filmed on any decent recording device and a tripod. If your business is more relaxed, possibly a salon or craft shop and you want to showcase your services and products, then a more casual video filmed directly with a phone in your hand and uploaded to IGTV will be a better fit.

In the time you’re not creating video content for your business is time your competitors are, so get creating content get closer to your audience and be discovered by new customers.
If you want a professional video for your business, or you make your own content and want to take it to the next level, contact us today.