The right choice of colour will help you to connect with your target audience, which will ultimately result in customers taking advantage of your services.
In a past study titled “Impact of colour on marketing”, researchers found that up to 90% of instant judgments made about products can be based on colour alone, depending on the product.
Different colours are also associated with different emotions/ feeling so choosing the right colour should always be paramount however, most brands use a minimal colour palette for their branding with recent studies showing successful companies are red, blue, black and shades of grey.
Earlier this year the tech giant, Apple became the first business to be valued as a trillion-dollar company, can you guess what their primary colour palette is?
Shades of grey.

Colour can affect how you feel and your behavior. It can make you move quickly, feel relaxed or even get you to eat more and spend more. The choice of colour can influence people’s purchasing behavior - a fact that is arguably goes unused by many companies.
This might be because we don’t hold a strong conscious connection to brands and their colours, but hopefully in the time it takes you read this article you begin to make these connections. So the next time you go to the supermarket, pay attention to the items you put in your trolley and why you picked them.