Hallam TSA Goes Live!

We were commissioned to create and design the new website for Hallam TSA following a competitive bid. The new website has been designed to provide a user-friendly experience with improved functionality throughout, appropriately positioning Hallam TSA as one of the leading teaching school alliances in the Yorkshire region.

The website provides a wealth of information for aspiring teachers in the region looking to develop their skillset as well as continually updating students on open days for specialist subject areas.

The site provides extensive information on primary and secondary school programmes & events, leadership opportunities for training teachers, partnering with Hallam TSA.

www.hallamtsa.org.uk is the new platform and with the Hallam TSA brand being strong, ease of access is vital to the sites user’s.

Keith Barna, Finance Director for Hallam TSA stated: “Hallam TSA are proud to be able to offer a unique platform which will help us to attract new partners whilst at the same time keeping teachers in the region up to date on the support and courses we are able to offer.”

Created with the user experience firmly in mind, the website has been designed with the latest technology, ensuring the site is responsive and functional to all devices including mobile and tablet.

Speaking on the design process of the website, our MD, David Plant, stated: “The refreshed design and simplified look combined with actionable content will really enable Hallam TSA to better interact with their diverse audience.”

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