From creating sketches for advertising to organising the layout of a website, art direction is a matter of arranging content effectively and not just a matter of putting together something that looks good. Some people could argue that art is subjective - and I for one would agree - my hypothesis on this matter is quite simple: I feel we all have our personal likes, dislikes and range of influences, and therefore have are own emotions and opinions.
In my opinion, good art direction is about finding the right equilibrium between subjectivity and objectivity. It’s all about creating a memorable visual experience that resonates with the majority; even if the overall aesthetic qualities don’t satisfy individual tastes, if the key message is understood and feelings conveyed then it’s - mission accomplished!
From Cannes Lions International Award Winners to my personal favorites, get inspired by these 5 Adverts with great art direction.
Fisherman friend: “FlyBoardFishing” by Walker Zurich
![Fisherman Friend](/media/ssrevv5n/fishermans_friends.png)
It just goes to prove if you have the hardy lungs of a ‘fishmans friend’ the pursuit of the daily catch can be truly exhilarating.
Plan UK: “What do girls really learn at school?” by Marmalade Film and Media
![Learn without Fear](/media/45lo05fc/learn-without-fear.png)
While this digital advertising campaign is very powerful and it just highlights the unwanted sexual harassment of girls in schools. It covers their journey to and from school and cyber-bullying. It is well directed, and it shows that it’s not just girls who get abused - Everyone has the right to a life free of violence and to learn without fear.
John Lewis: “The Bear and the Hare” by Adam&EveDDB
![Bear and Hare](/media/rq4lcioy/bear_and_hare-5.png)
The creative idea is focused on the joy of experiencing Christmas for the first time, seen though the eyes of someone who had always missed out - a hibernating bear. Adam&EveDDB created this advert and the recent ‘The Man on the Moon’ advert. They have a simple mission: to work with their clients to make brilliant works that work… and they certainly have achieved that.
Heinz Tomato Ketchup: “Bring Food to Life” by AMV BBDO
The TV campaign, entitled ‘Bringing Food to Life’, it really celebrates this idea. Ten different versions of the commercial have been created to ensure the feature reflects taste nuances in local markets. In the UK, the first ad will features a bacon sandwich, whereas in France and Spain the ad will feature sauté potatoes and chicken fillets. It sees the Ketchup being added to the invisible food and on application the food magically appears.
Dogs Trust: “Hundreds of dogs are still waiting for their special someone” by Kitcatt Nohr
![Dogs Trust](/media/bc0pkuai/dogs-trust-4.png)
Finally to top off this selection, if watching ‘Ant and Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway’ wasn’t enough, The Dogs Trust presented us with an adorable advert that warms your heart. It tells the story of a dog being rehomed from the perspective of a dog.