
3 Top Tips for Creating a Killer Brand Strategy

As a team of leading creative experts, we would like to share our winning strategies for success in the branding world. The illusive world of branding can be confusing. Add a winning strategy to a brand and it becomes a whole lot clearer to understand. Get it right, you will have a relatable brand with depth and a great potential for longevity. Get it wrong, you will have a logo with no context and a few different colours. Here are our 3 tips on how to craft a winning brand strategy:


Identify your target audience

Who is your target audience? Take a step back and have a real think about it! If your answer is ‘everybody’, then you are making a huge mistake. The narrower the focus, the faster the growth. When you have clearly highlighted you target audience in your marketing strategy. Its then time to do research.

Actively speak and engage with your target audience whether that’s online or in person. Find out what attracts them to your service? What benefits are they are most interested by etc? Once you have established who your target audience is and what they are interested in, you can learn how to target you advertising to that market. Hopefully, you now understand the more diverse your target audience, the more diluted your marketing.

Understand your niche

Not every project is suitable to your skillset. Try to understand and highlight as soon as possible what it is you offer. For example, as a Design Agency we wouldn’t offer IT Services even though some of our clients may request this; we would simply refer the enquiry on.

If you are not a specialist in a service you are offering, then you must have the courage to decline jobs that do not cover your area of expertise. Knowing what you offer as a business is essential to creating a killer brand strategy.

Develop your brand positioning

It is vital to effectively position your brand in the market place. You need to assess how your business is different from others, and why your target audience should choose you over your competitors? A hierarchy of descriptors and positioning statement needs to be created to capture the essence of your positioning. It must be clear and concise, and you have to be able to deliver on what you promise.

There you have it – 3 top tips to consider when creating a killer brand strategy.

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